Hydrogen Peroxide for Colds and Flu
Not something we should really be thinking about at this time of years, but its most likely to happen going into a change of season. I a currently FULL OF IT!!
Speaking of hydrogen peroxide, this naturally occurring substance has great benefits for colds and flu sufferers. It can be effective 80% of the time, especially if used when symptoms first appear.
Colds and flu actually enter the body through the ear canal, not through the eyes, nose or mouth, as most have believed. In 1938 German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide for treatment of colds and the flu. However, their data had been ignored of over 60 years, perhaps because there ain't much money to be made selling hydrogen peroxide. (A little bottle at the pharmacy can cost as little as a couple of pounds).
Administering a few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) into each ear, although often only one ear is infected. It starts acting immediately and after a few minutes all germs will be neutralized. There will be some bubbling noise sensation in the ears and a mild stinging. Start with one ear by holding the head toward one side and once the bubbling/sting has subsided, drain onto tissue and repeat with the other ear. One or 2 applications are usually enough.
Hydrogen Peroxide at 3% solution is perfectly sage for infants/children and adults. Best way to administer is with a dropper. If it gets into eyes immediately rinse with water.
The above information was taken from Andreas Moritz book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation. I have only recently read this and am well into my second week of coughs and sniffs, however I am going to certainly give it a shot and shall report back my findings!
Quercetin and Vitamin C for Hayfever
Another thing some of you are probably starting to suffer with at this time of year is Hayfever, or the start of it.... Quercetin is a natural anti histamine and is reported to seriously suppress symptoms. I tried it last summer and it certainly made the season more bearable. Increasing ones Vitamin C intake is also a good idea. As well as homeopathic remedies which really do work. I work with a Naturopath and Homeopath who matches a remedy specifically to my personal symptoms and I would highly recommend this.
Did you know at the start of a cold or infection, increasing your Vitamin C to 2000mg every 2 hours is likely to dramatically shorten the duration! I really should practice what I preach!!!
Personally my sinus problems are exacerbated by some foods I eat. After the Liver Cleanse I felt tip top but reverted back to wheat and dairy which is when things started to go wrong again! Our bodies are so in tune with what we need and what we don't! I definitely think a 2nd Liver Cleanse is on the cards in which after I abstain from those culprits forever!!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
FORGET BOTOX! A less invasive approach is here.....
Stunning results are now achievable both in the salon and at home* *before & after images show 3 months use of the serum at home | Environ® Breakthrough Takes the Worry Out of Treating Frown LinesProfessionals’ favourite skincare house Environ® has developed The Frown Treatment, the first facial specifically designed to tackle frown lines without the need to invite expensive aesthetic professionals to the salon.The facial is based on the Focus Frown Serum, arguably the world’s most effective product to address the processes involved in wrinkle formation and soften muscle activity in a mild, non-invasive way. This treatment represents a major breakthrough in skincare therapists’ ability to achieve stunning results, without the need to resort to expression-freezing toxin injections. ![]() As a result, frown lines become smoother, shallower and less prominent, with many people seeing a difference within two hours after their facial. “This new treatment achieves a noticeable result even after just one treatment, and the effects can be maintained by using the retail product at home,” says Environ training director Tracy Tamaris. For further information email: carleyharrison@btinternet.com |
Monday, 7 March 2011
Stimulants Make Strong People Weak
(Taken from Andreas Moritz book: Timeless Secrets to Health and Rejuvenation)
All stimulants are 'sweet' when ingested but 'bitter' in their effects. You can become addicted to them without even recognizing your dependency. If you are used to drinking a few cups of coffee a day, try this: Go on a 'coffee fast', which means having no coffee for an entire day, and observe how you feel as the day progresses. After a few hours you may notice a dull sensation in your head and a feeling of weakness and lack of energy throughout the body. Some people develop headaches in the afternoon others yawn and feel downcast. These effects may seem to be due to the absence of coffee in your diet that particular day, but it actually reveals the weakening impact the coffee has been having on your heart. You may argue, "But drinking coffee is normal, everyone does it." Most people in the industrialized nations will also fall seriously ill at some stage in their lives. For example, on in every two people in the U.S. will develop cancer at some stage in their life. This is now considered to be an almost 'normal' experience too.
Stimulants, as contained in coffee, tea , alcohol and cigarettes, seem to be welcome and fast-acting substances for those who feel the need for a boost of energy, to wake up their mind or to feel more buoyant and alive. But since these stimulants have no real energy on their own, where is the energy boost coming from?
Obviously, the body provides it. Stimulants are nerve toxins that trigger a powerful defense reaction in the body. When you smoke a cigarette or drink a cup of coffee or power beverage, the resulting boost in energy occurs because of this immune response. Therefore, the experienced increase in physical energy is actually an energy loss for the body.
Many people now drink decaffeinated coffee in the belief this protects them against the addictive effects of caffeine, while decaf coffee has from 5 to 32 milligrams of caffeine (about the same amount contained in 12 ounces of Coca Cola Classic). In addition to still getting a significant amount of caffeine, drinking three cups or more of decaff coffee may cause an increase in harmful LDL cholesterol by increasing a specific type of blood fat linked to the metabolic syndrome, according to a study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2005. Decaffeinated coffee is made from more acidic beans than regular coffee. These strong acids have shown to increase the incidence of heartburn, osteoporosis, Glaucoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Decaf coffee can, in fact, quadruple the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in three months, compared with people who drink regular caffeinated coffee or tea. In other words, if you feel you cannot do without coffee, it is far better to drink a properly brewed cup of real, unprocessed coffee.
There are other causes of energy depletion, such as overeating or ingesting unnatural foods. Natural food, although it has a stimulating effect, provides balanced doses of physical energy and helps to support all functions in the body. This kind of natural stimulation maintains physiological balance or homeostasis. Eating too much of any kind of food, on the other hand, causes over-stimulation, and so does regular snacking. Overworking, stress and fear also cause continuous over-stimulation. Thus, the body in attempt to deal with the increased demands placed upon it, begins to over-secrete its own stimulants. These are the stress hormones adrenalin, cortisol, epinephrine, cortisone, endorphins, prolactin, etc., which are needed to sustain the body's most essential activities. Yet, abusing the stress response day after day and thereby wasting the body's energy resources take their toll on both the body and the mind.
One of the undesirable side effects of excessive adrenalin secretion, for example, is a constriction of important blood vessels, including those that supply the intestines. This greatly diminishes the body's ability to digest food and eliminate harmful waste products. Consequently, destructive bacteria begin to decompose the waste matter while producing powerful toxins. Many of these toxins enter the lymph and blood.
The body's energy reserves become depleted further, and a toxicity crisis or acute illness becomes unavoidable. The toxicity crisis can weaken then body to such an extent that it is hardly able to perform.
Thus, the body allocates energy only to those functions that are absolutely vital. Given this condition, feeling faint, nauseous or weak is perfectly natural. This helps the body to preserve energy and use it to break down the toxins and eliminate them from the area of congestion. If the energy-depleting causes are discontinued, the body will regain its balance. But if they are not, the body may enter one crisis after another until the person falls seriously ill. Through constant over-stimulation, even a strong and healthy person may eventually become weak, frail and chronically sick.
All stimulants are 'sweet' when ingested but 'bitter' in their effects. You can become addicted to them without even recognizing your dependency. If you are used to drinking a few cups of coffee a day, try this: Go on a 'coffee fast', which means having no coffee for an entire day, and observe how you feel as the day progresses. After a few hours you may notice a dull sensation in your head and a feeling of weakness and lack of energy throughout the body. Some people develop headaches in the afternoon others yawn and feel downcast. These effects may seem to be due to the absence of coffee in your diet that particular day, but it actually reveals the weakening impact the coffee has been having on your heart. You may argue, "But drinking coffee is normal, everyone does it." Most people in the industrialized nations will also fall seriously ill at some stage in their lives. For example, on in every two people in the U.S. will develop cancer at some stage in their life. This is now considered to be an almost 'normal' experience too.
Stimulants, as contained in coffee, tea , alcohol and cigarettes, seem to be welcome and fast-acting substances for those who feel the need for a boost of energy, to wake up their mind or to feel more buoyant and alive. But since these stimulants have no real energy on their own, where is the energy boost coming from?
Obviously, the body provides it. Stimulants are nerve toxins that trigger a powerful defense reaction in the body. When you smoke a cigarette or drink a cup of coffee or power beverage, the resulting boost in energy occurs because of this immune response. Therefore, the experienced increase in physical energy is actually an energy loss for the body.
Many people now drink decaffeinated coffee in the belief this protects them against the addictive effects of caffeine, while decaf coffee has from 5 to 32 milligrams of caffeine (about the same amount contained in 12 ounces of Coca Cola Classic). In addition to still getting a significant amount of caffeine, drinking three cups or more of decaff coffee may cause an increase in harmful LDL cholesterol by increasing a specific type of blood fat linked to the metabolic syndrome, according to a study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2005. Decaffeinated coffee is made from more acidic beans than regular coffee. These strong acids have shown to increase the incidence of heartburn, osteoporosis, Glaucoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Decaf coffee can, in fact, quadruple the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in three months, compared with people who drink regular caffeinated coffee or tea. In other words, if you feel you cannot do without coffee, it is far better to drink a properly brewed cup of real, unprocessed coffee.
There are other causes of energy depletion, such as overeating or ingesting unnatural foods. Natural food, although it has a stimulating effect, provides balanced doses of physical energy and helps to support all functions in the body. This kind of natural stimulation maintains physiological balance or homeostasis. Eating too much of any kind of food, on the other hand, causes over-stimulation, and so does regular snacking. Overworking, stress and fear also cause continuous over-stimulation. Thus, the body in attempt to deal with the increased demands placed upon it, begins to over-secrete its own stimulants. These are the stress hormones adrenalin, cortisol, epinephrine, cortisone, endorphins, prolactin, etc., which are needed to sustain the body's most essential activities. Yet, abusing the stress response day after day and thereby wasting the body's energy resources take their toll on both the body and the mind.
One of the undesirable side effects of excessive adrenalin secretion, for example, is a constriction of important blood vessels, including those that supply the intestines. This greatly diminishes the body's ability to digest food and eliminate harmful waste products. Consequently, destructive bacteria begin to decompose the waste matter while producing powerful toxins. Many of these toxins enter the lymph and blood.
The body's energy reserves become depleted further, and a toxicity crisis or acute illness becomes unavoidable. The toxicity crisis can weaken then body to such an extent that it is hardly able to perform.
Thus, the body allocates energy only to those functions that are absolutely vital. Given this condition, feeling faint, nauseous or weak is perfectly natural. This helps the body to preserve energy and use it to break down the toxins and eliminate them from the area of congestion. If the energy-depleting causes are discontinued, the body will regain its balance. But if they are not, the body may enter one crisis after another until the person falls seriously ill. Through constant over-stimulation, even a strong and healthy person may eventually become weak, frail and chronically sick.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Skin Power - Harnessing the Skin's Powers of Rejuvenation - 28th Feb 2011
On Monday iiaa (International Institute for Anti-Ageing) hosted a cutting edge Seminar at Professional Beauty Excel. Speakers included:
Dr Daniel Sister: Creator of Dracula Therapy, who discussed unlocking the rejuvenating power of blood.Dr Matthias Aust: Winner of a Cicatrix Study Award for his ground breaking research describing the incredible results he has achieved with professional needling (CST).
Kevin Leivers: Advising on how to feed the skin for optimal results with aesthetic treatments.
Dr Alain Gondinet: Discussed Platelet Rich Plasma treatments in the aesthetics field.
Both Dr Aust and Dr Gondinet performed demonstrations of their treatments.
Science supports the use of PRP for the augmentation and regeneration of hard and soft tissues.
Today, Platelet Rich Plasma can easily be separated from blood, through a process of centrifuging.
Using the enriched plasma permits the body to heal faster and more efficiently. Because the patients own plasma is used there is no danger of disease transmission, anaphylaxis or neoplasia.
What PRP offers regarding facial rejuvenation:
Improvement of skin complexion with visible changes noticeable in 3-4 weeks, especially forehead, cheeks, neck and back of hands. PRP is not a volumetric filler, but biological cell therapy with patients own cells and enriched plasma.
Facial soft tissue augmentation without synthetic filler or animal products: Augments the dermis and epidermis by enhancing the growth of keratinocytes, fibroblasts and deposition of collagen.
This improves skin tone, texture and colour.
No need for costly lasers, IPL or Radio Frequency.
One off treatment, negligible down time. Mild to moderate skin changes but needs redoing 6-12 months because of chronological aging process.
All persons injected with PRP-Mesotherapy respond subjectively with positive improvement of skin complexion. The effects wear off at the 6 month mark. PRP does NOT improve pigmentation but acne scarring is responsive.
Pre and Post PRP is enhanced by application of vitamin A and LED Phototherapy.
THIS PRP therapy is carried out by the MEDICAL PROFESSION only.
The separation of plasma after its been in a centrifuge prior to treatment.
PLASMA, which comprises 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (90% by volume), and contains:
-dissolved proteins
-mineral ions
-carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for excretory product transportation)
-platelets and blood cells themselves.
Collagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) - Dr M. Aust
Dr Aust discussed this treatment in detail including a demonstration with 1.5mm Roller which is permitted to be used by Aestheticians such as myself with the correct training and insurance.
Patient/Client skin is prepared for a minimum of 3 weeks with the appropriate Vitamin A creams.
After thorough Cleansing a Anaesthetic cream is applied to the face for 40 minutes so that no discomfort is experienced during the CST treatment.
For more information on this therapy see the PRODUCTS page of my website www.carleyharrison.comBelow are some pictures of Dr Aust demonstrating this treatment to us.
A layer of clingfilm is applied over the anaesthetic cream for 40 min and allowed to work. Areas are kept covered whilst he works locally over each area exposing as he goes along.
Skin looks like sunburn after treatment. There is little downtime and usually just a radiance the next day with occasional swelling in some individuals.
ALL above factual information is provided by IIAA.
Professional Beauty at Excel on Monday 28th February 2011
Environ Skin Analysis experts at work with the
Visia Machine.
This machine gives a very in depth analysis of ones skin. Events will be held coming into summer in my treatment room where you too can have the opportunity of having this done.
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