Sunday, 27 February 2011

The Evidence

Here are the results of my Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse this weekend!
The one penny piece (bottom right) gives an indication of the size of the stones.  Not massive but certainly enough to congest bile ducts in the liver and gall bladder.  The darker green stones are older and the lighter more recent stones.  Lots of tiny gravel like ones which block the ducts really easily.
I am feeling tip top today.  Ate really lightly yesterday afternoon and evening.  Taking a heaped teaspoon of Glutamine powder in a glass of water before bed.  This helps restore and rejuvenate the gut after all that cleansing and is or should be recommended in any detox programme. I also charged up on the probiotics to replace friendly bacteria.  Metagenics Ultra Probioplex is a pretty good one which is a 50:50 blend of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis.  (keep probiotics refrigerated). 
Back to normal this morning (Sunday).  Had a light breakfast before a very indulgent lunch with friends which consisted of the best Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pud, plenty of great veg and to finish a Sticky Toffee pudding that I just couldn't bare to share with my husband and I insisted he order his own.
My mood had been horrendous over this week of preparation and purging....  I am a total foodie at heart but I do encourage anyone out there who is wanting to get their system functioning optimally again that this is a good start.  It too makes you conscious of what you are eating.  Even though the Sticky Toffee pud could have been omitted!  I'm only human and I think its worse to deprive yourself of a reward most truly deserved!