Friday, 17 June 2011

Feeling a little 'weathered'?

Don't allow your skin to let you down but not hydrating it.        
Also remember that hydrating your skin does not necessarily
mean drinking plenty of water.... It certainly essential to drink your
8 glasses a day, however without Omega's you are unable to retain
 the water in your skin. Omega's are required from eating Omega rich foods such as oily fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, olives ect, as well as supplementing with extra in capsule or liquid form.

Omega's act as the 'bubble wrap' around all your cells, preventing whatever water you drink from escaping.  Not having enough essential fats in your diet, yet drinking plenty of water is like filling a balloon with holes in it.  

Throughout the year these Omega's enable us to nourish
the skin from within whatever the weather! 

The Art of 'Smudging'.....

Smudging Sage at home to clear yourself and your personal space...

This week I have had so many friends, clients and colleagues say that they have felt 'all over the place'!  Yes it does sometimes have a lot to do with the weather and the amount of positive and negative ions in the atmosphere.  Those positive and negative ions are also on in and around people and sometimes you feel like you are absorbing these energies.  Due to the work I do I have made it a priority to 'smudge' myself and my personal space.  Some of you may have experienced it when coming for a treatment. 

Here's how it goes.....

The smudge stick is sometimes hard to keep smoldering so when you first light it, blow out the flame after it gets going and then blow into the smoldering embers to really let it take hold or else it might burn out. If it does burn out, just re-light it again and keep going. After I get the stick smoldering, I ask the smoke be blessed and that it will trap any and all negative entities and energies. The first thing I smudge is myself starting with the bottoms of my feet and then working the smoke up around my body and around my head and crown chakra. After that is done I start at a doorway and direct the smoke completely around the door frame, you will repeat this in every room starting at the entry doorway to each room and the front and back or side doors to the apartment or house.

After the doorways just go around the room to the four corners and then down the middle with a circular motion. Don't forget to open closet doors and drawers to chests and cabinets also before you begin. The mental image is as if you were about to fumigate the property for bugs, the idea is to let the smudge smoke get into and around everything within the home or office. Instead of getting rid of bugs, you are getting rid of negative entities and energies. When you have completed every room. Open as many windows and doors as is practical to allow the smoke to be purged from the interior and fresh air and chi to flow back into your living or work space. The idea is the smoke traps the unwanted stuff and then you let it out through the windows and open doors.
This is something you can do when moving into a new home, or simply just clearing your existing space of negative 'clutter'! 

Happy Smudging!