Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Photizo - Light Therapy

Light Therapy - Cell Regeneration and Healing Treatment

I have just taken on the Photizo Light Therapy system and after only 5 days of using it on a very stubborn patch of eczema on my hand, I am certainly seeing some very significant improvement and look forward to what results I may acheive with clients for various conditions.  This treatment also enhances the effectiveness of other treatments such at the Environ Ionzyme DF.
 What is light therapy?
Light therapy of a certain, specific wavelength stimulates the mitochondria to make more of the high-energy molecule ATP.
This helps the cell to heal itself from the inside, and prevents cell death. These wavelengths have been optimized in Photizo, so as to provide high-power pulses of light of the most beneficial wavelengths to recharge the mitochondria to ensure quicker cell regeneration and reduce pain whilst healing.

Anti-aging LED light therapy ... a NASA research "spin-off"

Your skin has the ability to absorb infrared light and use it as a source of energy to stimulate cellular regeneration. Infrared LED light therapy, first researched by NASA for use in the U.S. Space Program, can reverse and control the visible signs of aging and help you look years younger without harsh chemical treatments or invasive surgical procedures. Dramatic tightening of skin, smoothing of wrinkles and rough spots, disappearing blemishes, softening of redness, and shrinking of pore size can be achieved with this natural light treatment. In addition, the unit can be used to effectively treat minor muscle and joint aches, sprains, back pain, muscle spasms, the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.

Infrared LED light stimulates your skin to produce collagen and elastin
The infrared light produced by LED lamps, aka photo rejuvenation, stimulates fibroblast cell activity in the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin—the proteins responsible for your skin's tone and elasticity. The effects of infrared LED light therapy on the skin and body have been reported in over 2000 scientific reports and documents.

Skin conditions improved by Photizo light therapy:

Tired, aging skin: Softening of lines, folds and wrinkles, healthier circulation, increased moisture and radiance, accelerated skin repair, toned and youthful skin surface, improved elasticity and skin texture.
Hyperpigmentation — age spots, freckles, uneven pigmentation due to sun exposure, etc: Most cases of skin hyperpigmentation even out over time from the use of infrared LED light therapy.
Acne and blemishes: Infrared LED light can assist in the repair of acne and blemishes because it stimulates the skin's natural healing.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Cranial Osteopathy - Myth or Magic???

Having had a Cranial Osteopath see both my babies shortly after birth and just recently on several occasions for my now 7 year old, I thought it was time I put it to the test myself. Not that I had my doubts, but I too had not had  treatment since the birth of my youngest, now 3.  I was due an overhaul!

A lady in Kew called Beryl Grix was highly recommended to me by a client and due to Tayla, my 7 year old daughters under-developed Vestibular System (for another blog...), I thought it best we pay her a visit and get some of her rhythm back!  She has helped Tayla tremendously.  My session with her this week was an hour long and I dozed in and out of sleep whilst watching numberous birds feed from her feeder attached to the window which I thought was a nice touch (even if you are not into birds!) 
She started at my head and slowly worked her way down to my toes.  She said when she started at my head it was amass with thick cloud and fuzz!  Exactly how I was feeling.  I had been feeling extremely ungrounded of late and this was really the catalyst of my visit.  The need to be put back in touch with myself and experience the magic this therapy offers. 

She informed me afterwards that I had really needed the treatment  and suggested I see her again in 2 weeks to regain and maintain balance.  I most definately felt like a huge weight had been lifted once the treatment had commenced and in honesty, like I was on some kind of drug!  She insisted  this was normal when the body has to ammend itself on such a deep cellular level.  I had the most peaceful of sleeps that evening and awoke with a contentment I have not felt for sometime.  Its as though all the chaos I was grapping with inside has dispersed and my body is clinging to this lovely level of balance.

Beryl certainly has the touch as I am sure many registered practitioners do, so be sure to find one registered or preferably recommended.

I have included below some details of what this therapy is and how it works ect.

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment which works with the structure and function of the body.
The maintenance of good mechanical function is essential to good health. Problems in the framework of the body can disturb the circulatory system or nerves to any part of the body, and affect any aspect of health.
Osteopaths work to restore the structure and function of the body to a state of balance and harmony, so helping the whole person.
What is Cranial Osteopathy?Cranial osteopathy is a refined and subtle type of osteopathic treatment that encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head.
It is a gentle yet extremely effective approach and may be used in a wide range of conditions for people of all ages, from birth to old age.
Osteopaths may have different specialities including sports injuries, paediatrics, and visceral osteopathy (treating the internal organs of the body). Cranial osteopathy embraces all of these.
lnvoluntary Motion- The Cranial Rhythm

Cranial osteopaths are trained to feel a very subtle, rhythmical shape change that is present in all body tissues. This is called Involuntary Motion or the Cranial Rhythm.  The movement is of very small amplitude, therefore it takes practitioners with a very finely developed sense of touch to feel it. This rhythm was first described in the early 1900's by Dr. William G. Sutherland and its existence was confirmed in a series of laboratory tests in the 1960's and '70's.
Tension in the body disrupts the cranial rhythm. Practitioners compare what your rhythm is doing to what they consider ideal. This shows them what stresses and strains your body is under at present, and what tensions it may be carrying as a result of its past history. It also gives them an insight into the overall condition of your body, for example if it is healthy, or stressed and tired.
Accumulation of stress and strain in the bodyWhen we experience physical or emotional stresses our body tissues tend to tighten up. The body may have been able to adapt to these effects at the time, but a lasting strain often remains. Any tensions which remain held in the body can restrict its free movement. Gradually the body may find it more and more difficult to cope with accumulated stresses and symptoms may develop.

Conclusion:  MAGIC!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Cold Sores - NOT pretty...

Lysine for Cold Sores

Unfortunately for my daughter and I we both suffer with cold sores... for her it seems to be worse.  Last night she complained of a tingle and I remember the last outbreak being so bad that this time I was going to be uber persistant about trying to stop this virus in its tracks!  I had 1000 mg tablets in the cupboard and gave her half of one before bed as well as dousing the area in Iodine and Zovirax!  This morning she has woken up and the lession has certainly not progressed further.  Very pleased indeed.  Looking forward to the sugar restrictions over the next week/s!  Sugar certainly aggravates and can even trigger an attack!

Lysine and arginine are two amino-acids. Amino-acids bind themselves together to form proteins. They are often quoted together because they have a negative relationship. In theory, the more lysine and the less arginine, the better. Research suggests that a high lysine/low arginine ratio prevents herpes from replicating.

Foods high in lysine and foods to avoid:

Meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products are very rich in lysine. Vegetarians can find vegetable foods containing some like corn, brewer’s yeast and sauerkraut. The best food for lysine is plain low-fat yogurt. It has the highest levels of lysine for the lowest levels of arginine. Kefir is also a wonderful source of Lysine.
Avoid chocolate, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, soya, oats, wheat and sugar.  These are high in Arginine and certainly aggravate symptoms.

Lysine Herpes Dosage for Prevention:

Proper dosage may vary from person to person, but according to research, it should range from 500 mg to 1000 mg, 1 to 3 times daily. Please ask your doctor. I personally give my 7 year old daughter 500mg twice a day at the first signs of an outbreak.  I also dab Iodine onto it and apply Zovirax thickly over the top once it has dried.  She does'nt like the yellow staining from the Iodine and you can get decolourised Iodine but I dont think it works as well.  More on Iodine in another post...

Lysine Creams and Ointments for Cold Sores:

Many ointments are available on the market, but lysine efficiency has been studied only as an oral supplement. Therefore, there is no scientific data backing the use of such ointments. However, you may want to try applying lysine cream on your cold sores or fever blisters especially if they tingle a lot. Some people have reported these ointments can have a soothing effect. They come either in lipstick, lip balm or cream. Try to use ointments that have other ingredients than lysine as well as, such as essential oil or grapefruit, vitamin A, C and E and zinc.   Also supplementing with Multivitamins C and Zinc will help.  These should be included in your daily regime anyway.

Side effects:
Some side effects might appear with a very high dosage (10 g). They consist mainly of nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. In one case, a 44 year old woman developed Franconi’s syndrome, manifested as tubulo-intersistial nephritis, after taking 3000 mg of lysine per day for 5 years.

Lysine and pregnancy:
Lysine supplementation is generally not recommended during pregnancy and breast feeding because there is no data proving its safety during pregnancy. Tell your doctor that you’re taking lysine if you’re pregnant or considering having a baby.

Lysine and children:
Children need three to four times more lysine than adults.  They should be getting it from their food. The medical literature has not reported any adverse effects specifically related to the use of lysine in children. However there is no sufficient information available regarding the use of lysine supplements in children. Do not give any supplement to a child without first talking to your childs doctor first.



Saturday, 2 April 2011

On the mend...

Homeopathy Does Work!

Having diligently put the Quercetin to the test, I am feeling tip top.  I didn't do the Hydrogen Peroxide as I thought the cold had become chronic but will certainly put it to the test the next time a tingle of a cold starts its invasion!  I am due to see my naturopath and homeopath only next Friday as she is away.

I called her and asked what I should do to avoid the antibiotic route.  She suggested I get down to The Organic Pharmacy on the Kings Road and get their Cough and Mucous Tincture.  I did just this and whilst there also included their Mixed Pollens & Grasses homeopathic pillules.  I thought I couldn't rule out hayfever judging by the length of this "cold" so let me cover all angles.  As soon as I got home I followed the instructions and added 15 drops tincture to a little water in a shot glass.  I also had 1 pillule (it is suggested this is taken only twice a week, but this could change I think if you were in an acute attack of hayfever).   I also ingested 2 Biocare Quercetin & Bromelain capsules.
The tincture is best taken 3 times a day.  It was late afternoon but in desperation I managed to get 3 doses in before retiring to bed.

I have awoken feeling the best I have felt in 2 weeks.  Sinus congestion is reduced to almost nothing and I actually have not needed tissues.  The congestion on my chest is breaking up and becoming more productive.

Cough & Mucous Tincture contains Organic Elecampane, Coltsfoot, Lungwort, Licorice & Mullein Tinctures.

Quercetin is a bioflavanoid that inhibits the manufacture and release of histamine, which is the hormone that triggers allergic reactions.  The vitamin C in the formula enhances the action of Quercetin and has been shown to ease bronchial constriction.

I used Biocare's Quercetin and Bromelain, which I think is particularly good, however The Organic Pharmacy do a Quercetin and Vitamin C Complex.

I was very impressed with their service and the selection of their beautifully marketed products.  The problem with homeopathic remedies is their names.... no one knows what Calc Carb or Nat Mur is for..... its so daunting when you are faced with all these names, so you give up and select the Ibuprofen or Paracetamol that we all know too well!  At The Organic Pharmacy everything is labelled in a language we all understand.  Cough & Mucous Tinture, Sneeze Away Tincture, Clear Gut Tincture, Sleep Tincure, Clear Skin Tincture to name only a few
Pillules labelled up as: Jet Lag, Burns, Energy, Food Poisoning, Cold and Flu, Indigestion, Period Pains, Physical Injury, Cystitis, Sinus and Catarrh, Travel Sickness, Headache, Diarrhoea, Heat Rash, Joints, Scar Tissue, Varicose Veins, Insect Bites, Insomnia, Hayfever, Anti-Stress, Dry Cough, Wet Cough, Hang Over.

Homeopathic Practitioners are also available there to prepare and dispense prescriptions using their remedies.  I see a fabulous Japanese lady in Marylebone who is a guru in homeopathy, naturopathy, nutrition and accupuncture.  I may not even need to see her if the effects of my magic tincture continue!

For those in doubt:  Homeopathy does work!