Emma is a highly skilled Kinesiologist, Naturopath and Nutritionist.
I immediately felt welcome and totally in the right place on arrival.
My concerns regarding health were addressed and she was on the case!
Thorough and explanatory, professional and peaceful.
Even her Golden Retriever takes on her calm! Perhaps I would too being indulged with organic Venison treats!
Emma has inspired the kick start this body has been needing after a sluggish summer of sunshine, over indulgence and lack of exercise.
She tested all my supplements & remedies to ensure they were agreeable with my constitution, & offered practical & nutritional advice to suit my lifestyle & agenda.
And then there are the healing powers of Kefir (for another post!)
From Emma's Website at: www.healthwithin.co.uk
Why come to Health Within ?
Health Within is run by qualified naturopath, nutritionist and kinesiologist Emma Burwash.
Her extensive clinical knowledge obtained by working in the NHS as a dietitian has enabled Emma to build a cutting edge practice in Buckinghamshire.
She treats a number of imbalances of the body using her naturopathic principles, kinesiology, nutritional knowledge and the revolutionary bio-energietic Asyra AT3 machine. Bringing advanced computer technology and the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine together she has taken her practice to the next level in terms of patient health and well being.
Emma also now runs health, vitality and weight loss programmes in the Beaconsfield and Gerrards Cross area called Zest for Life
BSc (Hons) Food Science - Leeds University1991-1995
PG Dip Dietetics - Leeds Metropolitan University 1995-1997
Kinesiology - Classical Kinesiology Institute2001-2003