Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Blessed be the Colon Cleanse!

After a little deliberation after the  Liver Cleanse, I decided it was time to invest in a Colon overhaul!
This was recommended to me by a very thorough and professional Colonic Hydrotherapist called Jenny Garrity in Paddington who has been practising her very effective method for over 30 years!

Blessed Herbs is a Colon Cleansing Kit containing everything one would need to remove the nasty mucoid plaque that builds up in the intestines over the years from decaying food not being eliminated from the bowels.  Just like plaque builds up on ones teeth.  We brush our teeth, so why not clean our colons.  Its a bit like descaling a kettle I guess!

By simply googling Mucoid Plaque Colon one can see how nasty this stuff actually is.  I experienced first sight of my very own only 2 days into this cleanse last night.  Pictures were just to ghastly to expose but  I can describe it as a long black rubbery rope of ugliness!  Truly quite frightening to think this had been accumulating inside me all these years. 

Mucoid Plaque builds up in everyone over time and prevents us absorbing the nutrients from our food and vitamins properly.  This intestinal waste releases toxins into your body and can inhibit your sense of well-being.  Plaque comes in different forms from old, dark, rubber tyre looking material to a fine, think light brownish film and everything in between!

Each person feels differently as they cleanse.  I personally have felt more energetic which is surprising as I am one who does need to eat little and often, however the sachet one takes every 3 hours to get the process of elimination going really does fill you up.  You need to drink plenty of fluids with this cleanse in order for it to be fully effective and for the psyllium in the sachets not to 'bung' you up!

There are 3 options for doing the cleanse.  The first requiring you fast on only liquids consisting of water, apple juice or a Vegetable Soup/Broth.  Its a 9 day programme and this is what I decided upon.  Thought if I were going to do it I wanted the best result.  For the first 3 days prior to the cleanse you are omitting certain foods and reducing portion size. Full instructions and choices come with the kit.

For more information on Colon Cleansing and the Blessed Herbs Kit call Jenny Garrity on 020 706 9000.  She has a great package which includes the kit and 3 professional Colonics.

Keep watching this blog space for any gruesome pictures if I am brave enough posting!

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